Dental Marketing and Management for More New Dental Patients

Jim Du Molin
Welcome to The Wealthy Dentist. With over 25 years of dedicated dental marketing and management experience, we’ve developed two options to help you achieve your goals.

Do you want more new patients now? Our turnkey LeadFire new patient marketing machine can add more new patients to your practice now… at zero risk to you!

Do you want to maximize your marketing potential? Choose from over 15 step-by-step team training tutorials or, for the best deal, access all of our tutorials with a subscription to The Wealthy Dentist University.

Now is the time to provide you and your family with the increased wealth, comfort, and time that you deserve.

“I want more new patients NOW!”

LeadFire New Patient Marketing MachineLeadFire New Patient Marketing Machine

Our LeadFire New Patient Marketing Machine is a complete new patient marketing solution that works side-by-side with your current Internet marketing.

This program includes your own personal customizable New Patient Portals, online dental directory listings, mobile marketing and social networking options, team training bonuses, and more.

Your New Patient Control Panel allows you to personalize your entire dental marketing plan by yourself 24/7. You can even track and monitor all of your new patients from this program.

“I want to maximize my dental marketing potential”

Front Desk Team TrainingTeam Training

We also have a complete library of dental management and marketing tutorials.

One of our most popular programs is our team training video series on How To Turn Your Front Desk into a Marketing Machine. This lesson can DOUBLE the number of new patients in your chair.

And the reason is simple. Up to 50% of all new patients are lost at the front desk because of poor call handling and systems.

Improving your front desk’s marketing skills the most effective ways to increase your profitability, and it’s a strategy that costs nothing to implement.

The three Video Strategy Tutorials in this lesson walk you through the ins and outs of converting high-value new patient leads into dental appointments. This is one of the core internal marketing strategies that we’ve developed and tested over the last 20 years.

In addition to the Front Desk lesson, we have tutorials on a range of other topics, including Structuring a Dental Associate Agreement, Dental Practice Signage, Internal Marketing & Communications, and many more.

Remember: you’re not in it alone!

I’ve got lots of expertise, and I’m more than happy to share.

Jim Du Molin
Founder, The Wealthy Dentist

What Dentists Are Saying


Dr. Jan Ormsby
Ithaca, NY

When I first came to work with Jim, I was producing approximately $48,000 per month. At the end of the first year, I was producing 114% more than when I started. The value of new patients during that first year also doubled.

When I first started, I had about 8-10 new patients a month. I was practicing alone in my home, so I had a very small practice. I knew I really had to grow the practice quickly because I moved into a new facility. With the different approaches the The Wealthy Dentist has given me, I was able to move the number of new patients up to 41 a month.


Dr. Victor Sobrepena
Foster City, CA

The major benefit that I have received from having been a member of the The Wealthy Dentist has been my transition from managed care insurance plans to fee-for-service patients.

Probably the biggest key that I’ve seen that has allowed me to progress to where I am now has been really implementing a lot of the systems that I’ve learned.

You know: making sure I have a complete team that’s working for a common goal. In addition to that, I’m really implementing a lot of the marketing strategies that I found were the most effective for me.

Especially when I first started, I tried a lot of different marketing techniques, and I wasn’t sure whether they were going to work or not. With Jim and his team of dental management consultants, I’ve really been able to copy genius instead of creating mediocrity.

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P.O. Box 1220, Tiburon, CA 94920

The material on this website is offered in conjunction with MasterPlan Alliance.

Copyright 2017 Du Molin & Du Molin, Inc. All rights reserved. If you would like to use material from this site, our reports, articles, training programs
or tutorials for use in any printed or electronic media, please ask permission first by email.