The DVD . . . How to Make Your Practice Mercury Safe: Minimizing Occupational Exposure to Mercury at the Dental Office was presented by Dr. Tom McGuire and Dr. Paul Rubin and filmed live at the seminar in Portland, OR. The DVD contains the entire seminar and is available in two formats.
The DVD also provides 6 hours of Continuing Education (CE) Credits. If you wish to Purchase the DVD and Apply for CE Credits, Click Here and follow the instructions.
If you want to Order the DVD but Not Apply for CE Credits simply choose the DVD format below and click the Order Button.
Three-Disc Set for DVD Player: $195.00
Contents Click Here to Order the Three-Disc DVD Set
Apply for CE Credits & Purchase DVD
Once your order is processed we will email you a Username and Password, along with the directions, needed to take the exam online. When you have taken and submitted the exam, your Certification of Completion will be sent to you. (AGD members will have their names submitted for AGD Credits by our sponsoring organization, American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry (ACIMD). (For more information about CE Credits Click Here.) If you decide to take the test and to receive credits, please checkmark the box and fill in the contact information below. Additional Information
For questions about Ordering the DVD call 800-335-7755. For information about CE credits call 206-367-4712. For questions about "How to Market a Mercury Safe Practice", call 800-335-7755. For problems opening the DVD contact Dave Warwick‚ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Produced by Blue Heron Productions ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) Note: The DVD is copyright protected and unauthorized copying is prohibited by law.